Fun Education. Humanitarian. Local Community. Global Impact. Jewish Future. 37,747 square feet of educational and community space The need is urgent. The time is NOW! Please play your part by dedicating a part of the building or as many square feet as you can!
Donations of 5ft2 or more can be paid over 12 months.
1 ft2
Ernie & Erica Chao
In honor of Anabelle's admission to JLA! We are so proud of you.
10 ft2
Allan & Miriam Wiener
Scott Comora in loving memory of Darren Comora z'l
Mani Probkevitz
Charles Safdie
Rafi Soltz in memory of Yisrael ben Binyamin
Rafi Soltz in memory of Meir ben Efraim
Barry Snyder in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Marlow
Barry Snyder in honor of Rabbi & Mrs Noach Bernstein
Barry Snyder in honor of Amy Singer
Barry Snyder in honor of Carlos Sawicki
Barry Snyder in honor of Evan Byer, Esq.
Barry Snyder in honor of Eddie & Leah Rajel Leimdorfer
Barry Snyder in honor of Freddy and Shelly Strauss
Barry Snyder in honor of Avi & Ginette Sasson
Barry Snyder in honor of Rabbi Mendy Lieberman, Esq
Barry Snyder in honor of Joseph Fried, Esq.
Cindy Spyke
In memory of Yeshia, Peralaya, Yecheskal Cullen
Dovid and Keren Barman
In memory of Marvin Barman - Moshe Leib ben Eliezer
Levi Yitzchok Peralta
In honor of Rabbi Moshe Kievman (Happy Birthday 5785!)
3 ft2
Schneur Kosofsky
Anonymous Donor
James Reich
In memory of Shayna Esther bas Chaim
Barry Snyder in honor of Nan Cuadrado
2 ft2
Maritza Lieberman
In honor of Rabbi Moishe & Layah Kievman
Yaeli Friedlander
In memory of Elaine Thaw
→via Hijuelos Family
For the recovery of IDF Soldiers
Yael Mayol
Scott Comora
In memory of Soloman and Anne Comora
YB Strassberg
Moishe Kievman
In memory of Abraham, Adela (Raia) & Motl Zoladz and Sara Lidia Szuster
Michael Malina
Jessica and Bruce Coane
In honor of the fabulous after-school programs
Barry Snyder in honor of Ivan Schertzer
In memory of Shmuel Mendel ben Nissan
Eliora Rodriguez
In memory of Miriam Bat Sarah Imenu
In honor of Sima leah bas Yehuda Dov, Tzvi Menachem ben Zev
One of the best Rabbi's.
Lenny Furman
In memory of Rosita & Moisés Furman
Michoel & Devorah Rosen
In memory of Aharon Ben Yaakov
Esther & Mordechai Fintz
17 ft2
Anita Hoffman
Alan B. Schneider
For the recovery of Joel Schneider/Yosef Ben Hadassah
Jonathan Grinstein
In Honor of Tal Barazani & Abi Sidelnick
Jay Schorr
In memory of Reina bas Leibel
Julie Trachtenberg Horev
In memory of my brothers Jacob Shlomo and Danny ben Moshe and Esther Jacob Salomon Trachtenberg z"l Danny Trachtenberg z"l
Jack Fintz
In honor of Leon and Fela Fintz
Esther Buzaglo
Chaim Yuir Brief
In honor of Rabbi Kievman for the amazing work he does
4 ft2
Mauricio Herman
In loving memory of my dear mother, Rivkah Yiskah bas Reb Shmuel z'l
For our beautiful family Shul
20 ft2
Edward Dolgonos
In memory of El Dolgonos
Marc Hurwitz
Eytan Laor
Natalie Lencovski
Barry Snyder
5 ft2
For the recovery of Hostages in Israel
Danny Kattan
In honor of Clara, Eva, Hanna Maia, Noa and Danny Kattan
Jack/Judy Miller
B Strassberg
In honor of Happy purim
In honor of Chabad Chayil
Dr Jose Mark & Eva Rub
Andrew Wohl
Ory Levy
Dave Poler
David Saltzer Saltzer
56 ft2
In memory of Denise Probkevitz z'l & Toba Perel bas Yaakov Tuvia z'l